Malwina Chabocka – Art & Design
Malwina Chabocka – Art & Design

Dive into my blog archive!

A collection of posts and essays from my blog covering contemporary culture, art history, exhibition reviews, film & animation, graphic design, advice for artists and philosophical musings. For articles on painting background, theory and techniques, please visit my other blog.

All posts

  1. Magical colours of Japan 1: Tokyo's secrets & dark nooks 黒
  2. New York State of Mind Part 2: Islands, Brooklyn & black magic
  3. New York State of Mind Part 1: No Sleep Till Brooklyn
  4. Luxembourg: the alluring myth of Melusina & the reality of rest
  5. California Dreamin' and American ways. Travel musings in 10 chapters - Part II
  6. California Dreamin' and American ways. Travel musings in 10 chapters - Part I
  7. One year in the Netherlands
  8. Punk in a cardie
  9. Slowly typed words on 5G & time pressure
  10. The golden ball of courage
  11. If the world is ending in 30 years
  12. The Imperfect Notebook (or my first "Meditations")
  13. What Type of Artist Are You? Non-quiz
  14. One year in Portugal
  15. Lisboetas (Part I): Fascinating Female Artists from Lisbon
  16. A Studio of One's Own
  17. Animated music videos for when you need a good cry
  18. The Problem with Photoshop, CGI and Insta-Lies
  19. No sugar and all spice. Be the fearless & feisty 5-year old you once were.
  20. Home: Dream, nightmare & utopia
  21. The Fall of the House of Usher cover design
  22. Women, love, relationships in selected animations
  23. Waiting for the marshmallows: on patience & delayed gratification
  24. Cats, ravens & madmen. Edgar Allan Poe in animation.
  25. Blissful uncoolness & comfortable solitude. A weekend in Berlin.
  26. Dark strangelands in music videos
  27. Neons. On preserving the endangered type.
  28. Women, art & obscurity. Seers, Knights, Lassnig.
  29. Art meets facts. Animation in documentary films
  30. Retro dreams in retro animation
  31. Against the tide. Element Talks conference afterthoughts
  32. 3 logos I like: Geek Girls Carrots, Moderat, Jadłonomia
  33. The art & science of kissing
  34. Game & graphic wonders of Alice in Wonderland exhibition
  35. Lot in Sodom cover design
  36. 3 logos I like: Krayewski, Mariage Frères, Disconnect
  37. Polish poster just after the war
  38. The remarkable effects of praise & criticism
  39. "Direction Courtesy" campaign ads
  40. Women in Chanel N°5 film ads
  41. New website & the icon challenge
  42. Faith, delusions & Woody Allen
  43. Left, right and wrong: political labels & biases
  44. The art of competing and losing in Settlers of Catan & everyday life
  45. Unlikely homes: Jing Jin City & Miracle Village
  46. Beautiful obsession of 4 Indie Game Designers
  47. In search of La Dolce Vita: Breaking with the nine-to-five
  48. Black Dogs, Storms & Rhapsodies
  49. Jean Paul Gaultier & different kinds of beauty
  50. Man and Machine
  51. Making colours & "noncolours"
  52. Creative DNA: Deconstruction/Reconstruction
  53. Sex fantasies in comics
  54. Dear Modern Diary. E-journals & life-logging.
  55. The Good Fight
  56. Avant-garde animation from artist/composer duos
  57. Is the grass greener across the English Channel?
  58. A Paean to Green
  59. Recharging in the comfort zone
  60. Painting with scissors: Matisse at the Tate
  61. Storytelling in life, art & business
  62. Imperfections in art & wabi-sabi
  63. Nine warriors of art who conquered their age
  64. Facebook: no space for failure
  65. Ruin Lust or Ruin Lost Opportunity
  66. Solitude, routine & art
  67. Show & Tell [Part #2]
  68. The art of collage: paper & scissors rock!
  69. Artwives: Eva Švankmajerová, Dorothea Tanning & Lee Krasner
  70. Strange Little Girls
  71. Me, Myself & I. Self-portraits.
  72. Show & Tell [Part #1]
  73. Magic in the gutter. A few words on comics and sequential art.
  74. In awe of flesh & bone
  75. Beauty & terror
  76. The Art of Tidying Up
  77. Feline fetishists
  78. Departing from a safe zone
  79. The love & hate of portraits in Vienna 1900
  80. The art of storyboarding
  81. What I like in animation
  82. Painting sex & pleasure in Japan and beyond
  83. Overheads Under Your Heel
  84. Edward Gorey & Other Daring Gor(e)y Stories
  85. USP: Unnecessarily Strained Procedure?
  86. Who is an artist?